Monday 5 May 2008

Monday 5th May - scorchio!

The weather was gorgeous today and we spent 4 hours on the allotment. We were joined by Val who dug and dug and dug! Thank you so much for your help Val, it was great to have your company and hard work.

The picture above shows the plot first thing this morning, the last picture will hopefully show how much work we did today.

We dug up a healthy stash of Jerusalem artichokes and some other unidentified root veg and replanted as many as we could. We also found some spuds so put them in too. 

Other finds included a fork (in really good condition), another trowel (that makes 3), foxgloves, alliums and tulips. 

We moved the bamboo wigwam thing so we could dig easily, and Seamus moved a couple of the raspberry canes that were getting a little trampled. And then we sat down for lunch.

1 comment:

28a said...

I am jealous of your "photo positioning"!!!!