Monday 2 June 2008


Paulene and I spent yesterday afternoon at the allotment, and I finally feel like we're making real progress with it. We obviously made real progress clearing the plot, but we actually sowed some seed yesterday and I actually feel now that we're growing something! Its a very satisfying feeling.
Last weekend I dug up all the old artichokes and potatoes that we had replanted. Paulene then dug in 2 bags of manure on Saturday and we dug in a further bag of compost yesterday. 
We made a new bamboo frame using new bamboo and some of the old structure that was on the plot when we took it on. We planted some peas and beans, but we're still waiting for some plants that we ordered a couple of weeks ago so we left some space for them. We planted some more sunflowers at each end of the bamboo frame. We had to dig up a lot of small nastursians where the frame was going so we replanted them in clumps in the front corner of the plot.
I also sowed some lettuce seed and some chives.
We had an extra pair of hands today....Sammy, who is 6 and from allotment 20, came and helped us plant the peas and beans.

Its amazing how everything grows so quickly with this warm and wet weather. Every time I go to the allotment something has changed, either on our plot or on others, its great to see everyone's progress, not just ours.

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