Sunday 10 August 2008

Heavy rain brings abundance....and weeds!

Seamus and I popped up the lottie in the rain this Saturday to get some goodies for us tea. Good grief it's amazing what a lot of rain can do. Everything is just blooming. Gathered broad beans, runner beans, peas, beetroot, potatoes, salad, courgettes, chard, parsley, radishes and rhubarb. I can't quite believe that we have managed to grow so much in such a short space of's only been 4 months!

The sweetcorn is firming up and the squash/pumpkin/whatever it is is almost the size of a beachball! Even tho the sunflowers went in very late they are really coming on. Am off to Scotland this week and am taking some of our produce up for Mum and Dad to savour. It turns out my paternal grandad, who I never met, loved growing vegetables in his garden in Glasgow, so maybe I get my love of it from him!

Can't wait to see what it all looks like when I get back!

Friday 1 August 2008

Mini harvest

I haven't been to the allotment for a week and when I arrived today I couldn't believe my eyes. We have beans, courgettes, big fat peppery radishes, cucumbers and a pumpkin that has grown from a golf ball size to a small football in 7 days!

I picked some beans, they were small but I go away on Sunday for 2 weeks and I wanted to taste them before I left. They were delicious. 
I got another yellow courgette from Shelley, and gave her some rhubarb as we still have loads.
I watered everything well and did some weeding, and dug up some potatoes. Some of the peas have given up, probably haven't had enough water, but that's fine because we can take them out and use the space for something else.
Last weekend we took up the carpet from a section of Shelley's plot that she's giving us. I'll take a photo tomorrow and post it. We'll probably put our winter and spring veg there when it arrives.
I made a delicious rhubarb and blackberry crumble tonight, it was so tasty and a gorgeous colour. This is all that was left....