Sunday 6 July 2008

Delicious leaves

I'm not going to buy any salad this week...I am going to eat only the delicious leaves from the allotment. I think my favourite are the nastursiums, they are so peppery and unusual. And we have an abundance, so I'll be eating a lot over the next weeks!

Everything is growing so fast. I spent a couple of hours on Friday afternoon and Saturday afternoon at the plot and even overnight some things had grown more.
Much of my time was spent weeding with our handle-less hoe! Slightly back breaking and always monotonous, but very essential.

I also planted some more salad and some radishes. It is salad weather after all!
I've just been looking back at my photos from the past 3 months since we got the plot. I can't believe the transformation, and I think we can be very proud of what we've achieved in such a short time:

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