Saturday 12 July 2008

The sweetest peas

There's no nicer way to eat a pea than to pick a pod in the morning sunshine and eat the peas raw when they're young and sweet. Delicious!
I went to the allotment this morning and sat for a while, amazed how everything had grown so much since the heavy rain during the week. The ground was dark and wet, unfortunately the weeds had benefited too. I spent about an hour weeding, clearing grass and some nastursiums that were crowding the peas and beans.

I thinned some of the beetroot, we really need to thin all of it, but we really don't have any more room. So maybe we'll just have small beetroot instead. 
Some of the peas still aren't doing well, maybe they went in too late? 
Our jalapenos are doing really well, better than the plants I have at home anyway.

Beans are looking good, they're all climbing high up the bamboo poles and flowering well.

Here's a photo of nettle mountain! It scares me everytime I look at it...

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