Sunday 14 March 2010


Went to the allotment yesterday and it was so warm I was nearly in a t-shirt...yes, it looks like spring might finally be here, hoooray! It was really mild and sunny, glorious. Makes such a change from the sub zero temperatures we've been experiencing.
I spent 4 hours there and enjoyed every second. I dug over and made a bed for my onions and shallots and to be honest I was expecting it to be really hard work. But the soil was light and easy to dig, maybe because we had potatoes in that area last year so they'd done most of the hard work for me. I actually dug up a few that we'd missed, it always amazes me how difficult it is to get them all out when you want them!
I also dug over a couple of other beds and generally tidied up, its looking good up there, am really looking forward to a busy and fruitful year. Bring on Spring.
Back at home today I sowed lots of peas, some to keep at home on the terrace and some to bring to the allotment. I also sowed some spinach and radishes to keep me going at home. And started the first of my sweetcorn, two types - Honeydew and Swift. My chillies have germinated which is a relief, the seeds are right at the end of their use by date.
Anyway, here's a picture of my new onion bed:

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